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Privacy Policy

CHDTRUST Privacy Policy

To preserve the confidentiality of all information you provide to us, we have adopted the following privacy policy.

All members of the CHDTRUST Group take privacy seriously and are committed to observing applicable national and international privacy policies and information handling practices.

The CHDTRUST Group is comprised of all its offices, branches, holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and any other entity in respect of which CHDTRUST Holdings plc owns (directly or indirectly) 50% or more of the issued voting share capital or stock.

Account holders or those people and entities applying to open an Account with us are referred to in this Privacy Policy as «you».

By maintaining our commitment to this policy, we at CHDTRUST will ensure that we respect the inherent trust that you place in us.

We only collect information that we believe to be relevant and required to understand your financial needs and to conduct our business.

We collect the personal information we need to provide products and services we offer, which includes a broad range of credit, deposit, insurance and other financial products. We also collect personal information about our customers and suppliers, or employees or officers of our customers and suppliers, so that we can complete business transactions, purchase products and services, administer accounts, provide customer support, to meet regulatory requirements and to further develop and research our products and services.

Where you have a business, company or other legal entity such as a trust structure or partnership, we may collect personal information about directors, company secretaries, trustees and anyone else permitted to act on the entity’s behalf.

Where practicable, we will collect personal information directly from the individual concerned. Sometimes we will collect it from a third party, such as a financial adviser, a broker, a family member, an associate, a credit-reporting agency, a data matching organisation or from a publicly available source such as a company or land title office. The type of information we collect, and where we get it from, will depend on the product or service you or your organisation has applied for.

If you deal with us by telephone it is possible your call may be monitored or recorded. The purpose of doing this will depend on which part of our business you are dealing with. We may record or monitor your call for training, quality, verification and authentication purposes.

If you are under 18 years of age and wish to use our products and services, we may collect your personal information from a parent or guardian who will provide the consent to use and disclose your personal information.

We use your information to provide you with better customer services and products.

We will use and disclose personal information we hold about you for the main purpose for which we have collected the information (for example, if you apply through us for an insurance policy we will disclose the information on the application to the insurer). We will also use and disclose the personal information for a secondary purpose related to that main purpose where the individual would reasonably expect us to do so (for example we may disclose to a printer which prints the cheques we issue to access a savings account). Otherwise, we will keep personal information confidential unless:

  • you agree - this can be express agreement (for example, where you sign a form or click on a button electronically); or
  • implied agreement (where your conduct suggests you agree or you do not inform us that you do not agree when we offer you that opportunity); or
  • we are required or allowed by law to make the disclosure (for example, to comply with anti-money laundering and counter - terrorist financing laws or where we receive a court order, are served with a subpoena, or receive government agency requests including but not limited to taxation or Centrelink requests)

We also use personal information for planning, product development, to research purposes and to seek feedback on our products and services, to build peer/group profiling to enable CHDTRUST to compare your account behaviour with peer groups such as age group, account type, and to detect fraud or money laundering or terrorist finance activities.

We may pass your information to other CHDTRUST Group companies or agents, as permitted by law

Where we outsource our functions to CHDTRUST Group members, contractors or agents, it may be necessary for members of the entities to which we outsource to access your personal information to continue to provide products and services to you. CHDTRUST Group members, contractors and agents will be bound to adhere to the relevant privacy handling legislation, policies and practices in relation to the use or disclosure of your personal information. These CHDTRUST Group members, contractors or agents will be both overseas and locally based.